17 thoughts on “Tutorial Mendeley Bagian 13 – Tidak Bisa Sinkronasi (Sorry, there was a problem syncing…….)”
mohon maaf pak, saya punya masalah plug in pada mendeley saya beriku informasi masalahnya:
“There was a problem setting up Word plugin communication: The bound address is already in use”
Bagi yang mengalami “There was a problem connecting to mendeley.com to sync your library: Network access is disabled”. Boleh dicoba dengan cara berikut : Tools > options > connection > beri centang di use system connection setting > klik ok.
mas mendeley saya tidak bisa diupdate muncul pesan.Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: Access to this document is not allowed. Error ID: tbpjrvzL5zw
Tolong ini kenapa ya, gatau ini yg bermasalah ms word saya atau mendeleynya. Soalnya pas di insert citation tertulis no research results fofund for : nama author. Mohon bantuanyaa
Tolong ini kenapa ya, kalau ada tulisan kayak gini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
Tolong ini kenapa ya, kalau ada tulisan kayak gini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
mohon bantuannya, di mendeley saya klo mau sinkronisasi muncul tulisan seperti ini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
Pak, kalau errornya seperti ini gimana ya?
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: File name [a02b4f608cd60e681874b2d9a0a5017cb7b8a6a4.] has no extension, statusCode:400 – upload progress: 185257 of 185257. Error ID: hALfJednKiI
mohon maaf pak, saya punya masalah plug in pada mendeley saya beriku informasi masalahnya:
“There was a problem setting up Word plugin communication: The bound address is already in use”
Saya belum pernah mengalami hal tersebut, namun coba cek pranala ini mungkin bisa membantu
terima kasih
Bang kalo di mendeley saya gak ada “Date Access” nya gimana? Mohon bantuannya.
Kak kalau waktu sinkronisasi tapi error’ tulisannya connection time out gmna solusinya
There was a problem connecting to mendeley.com to sync your library: Network access is disabled.
kalau seperti ini masalahny pak ?
Bagi yang mengalami “There was a problem connecting to mendeley.com to sync your library: Network access is disabled”. Boleh dicoba dengan cara berikut : Tools > options > connection > beri centang di use system connection setting > klik ok.
Pak mau tanya saya tentang menyinkronkan perpustakaan. Sudah saya centang use system connectionnya tapi tetap gak bisa pak
Pak aaya sudah melakukan itu tapi tetap tidak bisa bagaimana yah?
Terima kasih..sangat membantu sekali saat saya kebingungan menambahkan Turabian Style ke Mendeley Desktop saya krn tidak terkoneksi
mas mendeley saya tidak bisa diupdate muncul pesan.Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: Access to this document is not allowed. Error ID: tbpjrvzL5zw
Tolong ini kenapa ya, gatau ini yg bermasalah ms word saya atau mendeleynya. Soalnya pas di insert citation tertulis no research results fofund for : nama author. Mohon bantuanyaa
Tolong ini kenapa ya, kalau ada tulisan kayak gini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
Tolong ini kenapa ya, kalau ada tulisan kayak gini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
mohon bantuannya, di mendeley saya klo mau sinkronisasi muncul tulisan seperti ini:
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: SSL handshake failed The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found (Cert: GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018)
I received the same error what should we really do. Or what are you doing to assist?
Pak, kalau errornya seperti ini gimana ya?
Sorry, there was a problem syncing your mendeley.com library: File name [a02b4f608cd60e681874b2d9a0a5017cb7b8a6a4.] has no extension, statusCode:400 – upload progress: 185257 of 185257. Error ID: hALfJednKiI
Mohon bantuannya, tks.
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