3rd Indonesian Student & Lecturer Competition (ISLC) 2023 | Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)



Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT) and Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia Organize to 3rd Indonesian Student & Lecturer Competition (ISLC) with Theme: The effort to increase business value in order to support national recovery policies in the era society 5.0

A. Social Science:

B. Engineering & Computer:


Information: https://islc.fkpt.org
Online Registration: Oct 16 to Nov 04, 2023
Scoring: Nov 06 to Nov 11, 2023
Activity Implementation: Oct 16 to Nov 11, 2023
Announcement: Nov 16, 2023 in Banda Aceh
Award: E-Certificate + Medal+ Rotating Trophy


International participant: $ 20 USD/ team
Member FKPT: IDR 150.000/ team
Non Member FKPT: IDR 200.000/ team

For further information or confirmation, please contact:
1) Dodi Siregar: +62888-0776-7473
2) Nelly Khairani Daulay: +62823-7171-5272
3) Muhammad Syahrizal: +62823-6077-7038


Bank: Bank Rakyat Indonesia
On behalf of: Yayasan Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi
Account Number: 0367.01.001951.569
Swift Code: BRINIDJA

Contest Term and Condition:

  1. The product is a student’s work, stored in digital form in Google Drive, and a GD link is sent during registration to .
  2. Participants are students, either individuals or teams consisting of a maximum of 3 people. One team member is allowed 1 accompanying lecturer.
  3. All competition participants will receive a participation certificate.
  4. Prizes for winners consist of Certificates and Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze). Certificates for all team members while only 1 medal for each winning product.
  5. Rotating trophies will be awarded to institutions that win the most gold medals. The rotating trophy will be kept at the FKPT Secretariat.
  6. The winner’s decision will be announced on November 16 2023. The jury’s decision cannot be contested.
  7. For more complete information, please visit the website islc.fkpt.org

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